Professor of Criminology and Criminal JusticePronouns:
Gregory 108Phone:
(540) 665-5531Email: sstrobl@sxtcyb.com
Educational History:
Ph.D. City University of New York
Fields of Expertise:
- Comparative Criminal Justice
- International Criminal Justice
- Police Studies
- Gender, Race, Ethnicity and the Criminal Justice System
- Environmental Crime
Professional Highlights:
Winner, with co-authors, of the Outstanding Article Award, Division of White Collar and Corporate Crime, American Society of Criminology (ASC) on November 14, 2019, for Bisschop, L., S. Strobl & J. Viollaz (2018). Getting into deep water. Coastal land loss and state-corporate crime in the Louisiana bayou. British Journal of Criminology 58 (4), pp. 886-905.
Winner of the Radzinowicz Memorial Prize presented by the British Journal of Criminology, for the article entitled “Policing housemaids: The criminalization of domestic workers in Bahrain,” which appeared in 2009 in the British Journal of Criminology (Vol. 49, pp. 165-183).
Winner of the inaugural Richard J. Terrill Paper of the Year Award presented by Sage Publications on March 12, 2009, for the article entitled “The Women’s Police Directorate in Bahrain: An ethnographic observation of a gender segregated unit and the likelihood of integration,” which appeared in 2008 in International Criminal Justice Review (Vol. 18, pp. 39-58).
Books Published
Strobl, S. (2018). Sectarian order in Bahrain: The social and colonial origins of criminal justice. Lanham, MD: Lexington Books.
Phillips, N. & S. Strobl (2013). Comic Book Crime: Truth, Justice and the American Way. New York: New York University Press.
Select publications:
Strobl, S. (2020). Was there a Bahraini genocide? Sovereignty and state-sponsored sectarian violence in 1920s Bahrain. The Review of Faith & International Affairs, 18(1), 43-57. [Invited article for special edition on de-sectarianization in the Middle East.]
Strobl, S. (2019). Women and policing in Kuwait: Deferring gender inclusion and integration. In C. Rabe-Hemp (Ed.), Women policing the world: Shared challenges and successes in the integration of women police worldwide. Lanham, MD: Rowman and Littlefield Publishers.
Strobl, S. (2015). Policing the Eastern Province of Saudi Arabia: Understanding the role of sectarian history and politics. Policing & Society. Published online on February 2, 2015 [http://www.tandfonline.com/
Strobl, S., E. Banutai, S. Duque & M. Haberfeld (2014). Nothing to do about them without them: The Slovenian National Police and Roma joint-training program. International Journal of Comparative and Applied Criminal Justice, 38 (2), 211-233.
Personal Highlights:
Favorite movies: Heavenly Creatures (1994) and Fargo (1996)
Favorite novel: Bleak House
Favorite TV show: LOST
Favorite comic book character: Lying Cat
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Find me on Twitter: @Staci_Strobl